Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy weekend!

End of Friday, at last! There is always a surge of energy on Fridays at 4 when I leave my office. If only I could focus that energy on something productive.
All in all, it has been a great week. I have been completely on plan, and that's what is important to me at this point. On Wednesday I went on another walk, earning myself 3 activity points. And I used a really cool app on my phone that tracked the walk, told me my average speed, distance, etc., and exported it to Google Maps. I didn't walk Thursday or Friday and I don't have any excuse besides laziness.

I had my weigh in at Weight Watchers last night. It was my first one in five weeks. And boy did it show. I was up 8.6 pounds. That puts me at 179.6, only 4.8 pounds lower than when I started in July. And I'm okay with that. Of course I am disappointed that I let it get that far before kicking myself in the butt. But I do know it was because of my last semester. Finals were nuts, and at that point in life, that was my focus. 

Now I'm at my latest challenge: the weekend. I'll be honest, I have not had a single completely on plan weekend. Ever. At the beginning and most consistent part of my journey, my weeks were golden, and my weekends were pretty far off mark. But with my meetings being on Thursdays, I pretty much got away with that. I still lost weight. But I don't want to live like that. I know there will be vacations and such (like Las Vegas next weekend!), but on normal weekends, I have to keep my eating in check. And I feel pretty great about what's in store for me. I went grocery shopping so I'm stocked up on fruit, veggies, "exciting" breakfasts (oatmeal at work is getting old), and main meals. It's pretty much still frozen food, but I can't keep putting off eating better just because I can't get myself to cook. 

Also, part of the reason why I get along with frozen meals so well is because I kind of live in three different places. I live at my grandfather's house for work (where I went to college), my boyfriend's house more often than not, and my parent's house on some weekends and holidays. So really, I have some ingredients here, some there, and others elsewhere. It is really tough to get all the base ingredients (spices, vinegars, oils, sauces, etc.) all in one place. Maybe soon I'll just get a cooking itch.

Well, I need to take a shower before the boyfriend gets home. Hopefully I'll check back in tomorrow and/or Sunday. I feel really good about this weekend. I feel like I am in control.

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